Grading on 22/06/2023

We have just a bit over 2 weeks to grading. Below is a list of requirements for particular grades.

Student grades go from 10 to 1 (10 kup being white belt beginner), 1 kup being red belt with black tip, just before black belt.

For white belt yellow tip (9 kup) students need to know the basic techniques.
Press Ups x10 
Long Stance Middle Block      
Front Raising Kick x10
LS Middle Block Reverse Punch
Sitting Stance Single Punch x10
4 Directional Lower Block Punch
Long Stance Middle Punch
1 Step Kicking Exercise     

For yellow belt (8 kup):
Press Ups x20
Long Stance Outer Middle Block
Outer Crescent Kick x10
LS Outer MB Reverse Punch
Sitting Stance Double Punch x10
BS – Out Bl Front Back Fist
Front Kick Double Punch
and Taeguek no. 1:

Taeguek Il Jang

For yellow belt green tip (7 kup):
Some more techniques (foot and hand techniques):
Inner Crescent Kick x10
BS – Outer MB Knife Hand
Long Stance Lower/Upper Block
BS – Outer MB Side Back Fist
Long Stance Upper/Lower Block
Half Turning Kick Short Stance
and Taeguek no. 2 (and no. 1 too)

Taeguek I Jang

Green belt (6 kup):
1 Step Sparring
3 Step Kicking (with Counter)
Side Raising kick or side Kick
4 Dir – Side Kick (back stance)
Self defence – Wrist holds
Power Test – Side Kick (1 Board)
Taeguek no. 2 and no. 3 –

Taeguek Sam Jang

Green belt blue tip (5 kup):
…and more hand and foot techniques with 1-step sparring and 3-step kicking with counter:
Self defence Wrist & Collar   
3 Step Kicking (with Counter)
Side Raising Hook Kick
Free Sparring
1 Step Sparring
Power Test :Turning Kick 1x Bd
Taeguek no. 3 and no. 4:

Taeguek Sa Jang

4th Kup (blue belt):
Self Defence – Hair & Throat
3 Step Kicking (with Counter)
Back Raising kick or back kick
Free Sparring
1 Step Sparring (attack left & right)
PT :Rev Turning Kick (1xBoard)
Taeguek 4 and Taeguek 5:

Taeguek O Jang

3rd Kup (blue belt with red tip):
…all of the above and:
3 Step Kicking (with Counter)
Free Sparring
1 Step Sparring (attack left & right)
3 Step Sparring
1 for 1 Kicking Exercise
Breaking: Side Kick (2x Boards)
Taeguek 5
Taeguek 6

Taegeuk Yuk Jang

2nd Kup (red belt):
…all of the above and:
3 Step Kicking (with Counter)
Free Sparring
1 Step Sparring (attack left & right)
Self Defence – Free Attack
1 for 1 Kicking Exercise
Breaking: Turning Kick (2xBoards)
Taeguek 6
Taeguek 7

Taegeuk Chill Jang

1st Kup (red belt with black tip):
3 Step Kicking (with Counter)
Free Sparring
1 Step Sparring (attack left & right)
Straight Line kick
1 for 1 Kicking Exercise
Breaking: Rev Turning Kick (2xBoards)
Taeguek 7
Taeguek 8

Taegeuk Pal Jang

All those are techniques that student are either familiar with OR can be picked up on the fly. If there is something more complicated, we have a few weeks to pick it up.

The proceeds from the grading are going to go to support the heroes defending Ukraine and Europe from russian invasion and the Ukrainian refugees.

We support
Folkowisko –
Open Dialogue Foundation –
Please feel free to support them too.

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